To change ourselves effectively, we first have to change our perceptions.
I never thought one day i will be writing something of this sort. Coming from a place where, if someone dresses up differently or more fashionable or more modern becomes centre of attraction because of all wrong reasons. People generally used to talk in the back in negative way. They would see the person in such a way that, he /she has come from different planet. After going through such environment for many such years, indeed it’s very difficult to change our perceptions. It is possible to change during teenage or young age, but not possible when we grow old. After crossing 50 or 60, we can’t expect any changes from old, others who are with them, need to get adjusted.
Just like most of the people from small places have a “perception”,” modern looking people are very different, they don’t think and act like us”. Some of the common “assumptions” are:
They don’t respect elders
They have attitude
They don’t care what others think
They don’t have common sense
They are bold
They don’t have manners
They don’t have values
Just like these, there are so many negative assumptions, installed and running effectively in brain. I , as a person, thinking on those same lines, got a nice hit from some very modern people’s good mannerisms.
Yeah right, just by seeing someone wearing modern dress , it is not correct on our part to think, they don’t have values. I was really surprised to see some of the ultra modern people but very well behaved. Having very good respect for others, showing care for others and very good value system.
Dressing style has nothing to do with bad attitude. Have seen some very young ultra modern individuals with very nice attitude towards others. No matter what, whether they know other individual or not.
Generally people think on modern fashionable individuals that, they don’t know how to carry themselves. May be it is true for some, but not true for everyone. But it is also true like how; black dot on a white paper is more visible. Have seen some very modern individuals with full covered dresses with very good manners. In fact also seen, some orthodox looking individuals with no good manners, it doesn’t mean all orthodox like that. Same way modern fashionable people also, we should not conclude seeing some.
Need to understand that, dressing up in fashionable manner, is just a style statement or way of living. There is nothing wrong when someone trying to be different from others. There is nothing wrong, if some looks confident and carries himself/herself confidently always!
Only thing required is, we need to see people and world with open mind, that’s the only way to see the world in right way.
In this fast growing competitive world, we can’t expect women to wear saree always and get into bus, ride the two wheeler.
If perceptions and practices are not helping to get right results in right time, then its right time to change! There is nothing wrong, if someone tries to be happy in the way they like to be without hurting others. Whatever is comfortable for the individual, need NOT be comfortable to the world.
Milk might take different forms in its life cycle, may become curd, butter, butter milk, but never loses its color “white”.
Stay connected to the world in right way in right time.
Signing off,
Two people can see the same thing, disagree, and yet both be right. It's not logical; it's psychological.
I never thought one day i will be writing something of this sort. Coming from a place where, if someone dresses up differently or more fashionable or more modern becomes centre of attraction because of all wrong reasons. People generally used to talk in the back in negative way. They would see the person in such a way that, he /she has come from different planet. After going through such environment for many such years, indeed it’s very difficult to change our perceptions. It is possible to change during teenage or young age, but not possible when we grow old. After crossing 50 or 60, we can’t expect any changes from old, others who are with them, need to get adjusted.
Just like most of the people from small places have a “perception”,” modern looking people are very different, they don’t think and act like us”. Some of the common “assumptions” are:
They don’t respect elders
They have attitude
They don’t care what others think
They don’t have common sense
They are bold
They don’t have manners
They don’t have values
Just like these, there are so many negative assumptions, installed and running effectively in brain. I , as a person, thinking on those same lines, got a nice hit from some very modern people’s good mannerisms.
Yeah right, just by seeing someone wearing modern dress , it is not correct on our part to think, they don’t have values. I was really surprised to see some of the ultra modern people but very well behaved. Having very good respect for others, showing care for others and very good value system.
Dressing style has nothing to do with bad attitude. Have seen some very young ultra modern individuals with very nice attitude towards others. No matter what, whether they know other individual or not.
Generally people think on modern fashionable individuals that, they don’t know how to carry themselves. May be it is true for some, but not true for everyone. But it is also true like how; black dot on a white paper is more visible. Have seen some very modern individuals with full covered dresses with very good manners. In fact also seen, some orthodox looking individuals with no good manners, it doesn’t mean all orthodox like that. Same way modern fashionable people also, we should not conclude seeing some.
Need to understand that, dressing up in fashionable manner, is just a style statement or way of living. There is nothing wrong when someone trying to be different from others. There is nothing wrong, if some looks confident and carries himself/herself confidently always!
Only thing required is, we need to see people and world with open mind, that’s the only way to see the world in right way.
In this fast growing competitive world, we can’t expect women to wear saree always and get into bus, ride the two wheeler.
If perceptions and practices are not helping to get right results in right time, then its right time to change! There is nothing wrong, if someone tries to be happy in the way they like to be without hurting others. Whatever is comfortable for the individual, need NOT be comfortable to the world.
Milk might take different forms in its life cycle, may become curd, butter, butter milk, but never loses its color “white”.
Stay connected to the world in right way in right time.
Signing off,
Two people can see the same thing, disagree, and yet both be right. It's not logical; it's psychological.
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