Saturday, 30 July 2016

7 Colorful Years!!!!!!!

This was written in May month during our anniversary on 3rd May. But because of my nature of giving excuses to self, it took this long to complete it by publishing. Yeah may be too many MUST have expectations in life were there (see started giving excuse J ). We always tend to miss our DESIRES, as they become optional. This is one clear example, until and unless what we like to do is becoming MUST TO DO, we don’t do.
"Ok see you, will come early" said as usual while stepping out from home, saw the flower, which had blossomed for the first time in our plant. Plucked and gave it to my half-shirt (better half) Archana to keep it on God.
She replied "what is this you are giving on this day?"
Till her reply, I didn't realize what I have done. I gave her red flower but it was not rose, it was Hibiscus!  I should have given red rose instead of Hibiscus!!. Hmm….nothing wrong in her expectation.  As it happens to be our wedding anniversary that day-3rd May!

   Yes, it is been 7 years of togetherness. Like how 7 different colors come together to form beautiful rainbow, these 7 years of bonding has brought, has shown all the colors of life. Sometime pleasant color, sometimes unpleasant color has displayed on life's monitor. No matter what, togetherness has made life colorful.
        In marriage, the seven steps process- i.e Saptapadhi,  where we make promises to each to other, were all questioned and challenged to the core in these 7 years.
   These steps were not easy in the journey of life, multiple U-turns used to bring us back, yet bouncing back to move forward. Since the time of marriage, actually life is in fast forward mode only because of better half.
   If I look back, so many good things happened over a period of 7 years, if I tell in software language i.e after upgraded to family version of self!

If I pick top-7 good things:
   Started making some savings.
   Started to dress well.
   Put on weight.
   Fulfilled all wishes of better half (as per my knowledge
   Blessed with an angel.
   Trying to give best possible education and environment to daughter.
   Visited so many holy places to get rid of past karma!

We always try to seek inspirations from outside, that too from top achievers in the industry. But we forget to see inspiring people around us inside family and friend’s circle. I am just trying to come out of that and observing people around me to learn from them. I have to thank my friends, some of them really made a difference to me as a person without knowing it!  One of my best friends in life is my better half, from whom 7 learnings I can think of from her are:
1.       Discipline:
Whatever she thinks of doing does it, does it in much disciplined way. Nobody can beat her. Once she decides to do anything, consider it as done. That’s it, nobody can stop her from getting it done.
2.       Cleanliness:
If house is not up to the mark and if it is required to be cleaned, which would take whole day. Without any food, she does that non-stop. If it is not clean, she just stops and takes up cleaning on high priority! (Other world stops there for her!)
3.       Smartness:
She is so smart, it is really unbelievable. Before marriage she has never cooked, just being below the cot(always used to sleep and spend time below cot it seems, got to know from her family members), observed all the things how her mother used to do and now she just does the same, in fact better without any difficulty, just like she has been doing since so many years. Un-believable are her observing skill and smartness.
4.       Logical thinking:
If she starts talking on certain things or incidents, she talks like a lawyer with all supportive points, just like law points. You just can’t say NO to her. She doesn’t talk much with every one, if she does, you can’t beat her in talking and you will be convinced with whatever she is telling. May be in last incarnation, she was a lawyer!
5.       Meticulous Planning:
If we have to go anywhere, kind of planning she does while packing things, nothing can be questioned. Not just packing, each and every aspect related to the visit, plans so well, I don’t have to worry on anything. My job is only to take them in car like a driver!
6.       Culture:
Respect she gives to elders is simply amazing, no matter what, whether they are relatives or not. The way she takes care of elders is much appreciated. There are so many instances, friend’s mother or mother in laws have expressed that, “our daughter/daughter in law need to learn from you! Will send them to your house, seeing you they might learn!”
7.       Completeness:
Whichever work she takes up, without completing it, she doesn’t rest. There are so many instances, she had gone extra mile to complete the task she had taken up for herself. Such as doing wall painting with different designs, paintings done in daughter Impana’s room. Setting up kitchen in a day where we had so many things! She has given me surprises multiple times like when I go back home, showing the wall paintings one after the other!

I thank her on this occasion for bringing colorful rainbow in my life. Last but not the least, if she were to work in our industry, definitely she would have been top performer always!